Medical Equipment Inspection

The medical equipment inspections is required to ensure proper functioning of devices and avoid breakdowns. Medical equipment must have inspection to check the devices are perform properly with compliance standards.

Japan Inspection Organization (JIO) carry inspection of medical equipment and medical devices, used in hospitals, laboratories and medical clinics. JIO inspection ensure they perform safely and effectively.

Diagnostic Equipment:

Medical imaging machines: Radiography, X-Ray Machine, Computed Tomography (CT scan), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, and Echocardiography etc.

Durable Medical Equipment (DME):

Electric wheelchairs, Hospital beds, Walkers, crutches, canes (mobility assistive equipment), Traction equipment, Pressure mattresses, Insulin pumps, Breast pumps, Nebulizers, Patient Lifts, Bili lights and blankets, Kidney machines, Stationary or portable oxygen tanks, Oxygen Concentrators Ventilators etc.

Treatment Equipment:

Infusion Pumps, LASIK Surgical Machines, Medical Lasers, and Diagnostic scopes etc.

Life Support Equipment:

Heart-lung Machines, Medical Ventilators, Dialysis Machine, and Incubators etc.

Medical Laboratory Equipment:

Blood gas analyzers, Chemistry analyzers, Blood collection supplies, Electrolyte analyzers, Differential counters, Drug testing analyzers, Coagulation analyzers, Hematology analyzers, Urinalysis analyzers and Microbiological systems etc.

Inspection fee: Inspection fee vary depending on type of equipment/devices.

How to Apply: Send detail and location of medical equipment(s)/device(s) by Click here