Price Value Verification

Price Value Verification (PVV)The tax rigging, import tax fraud and excise duty frauds by importers in many countries is a serious global issue. The Governments and the Excise Departments lose Billion of Dollars every year due to Customs, Excise, VAT, and import tax fraud. The study result shows, in most cases both importer and exporter join hands to commit import tax fraud by mutual understanding. The exporters issue dummy invoices by accepting importer’s request to steal import tax and excise duty by hiding actual price of item/goods.

Import duty fraud or customs fraud is common where importers lie about the amount of import duties owed on goods being imported to their respected countries. So far, customs fraud has been hiding under the radar because the governments or Customs and Excise Departments are unable to detect those cheating on paying import duties on products or goods imported in the country.

The Japan Inspection Organization (JIO) issue “Price Value Verification” also called as “PVV” for all goods schedule to export from Japan. The inspectors of this Organization will physically inspect the merchandise prior to export and calculate current price value of goods. The Japan Inspection Organization (JIO) offer Price Value Verification for Vehicles, Heavy Machinery, Agriculture Machinery, Equipment, Instruments, Electronic Components, Vessels, Helicopter, Aircraft and/or any product schedule to import from Japan. However, this Organization cannot issue price value verification for some goods/merchandise.

Fee:: Fee varies depending on type and quantity of goods/merchandise and the location in Japan.

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